Chunky cable-knit headband

Headbands are a great way to venture into cable-knitting – and these chunky ones only take a few hours to make.

This one was made for my Mum, who wanted something to keep her ears warm during her Saturday morning ParkRuns. She happens to be something of a diva when it comes to wool softness, so pretty much everything that I make for her uses Knitcraft’s Funky Chunky Yarn – it’s 100% acrylic, very easy on sensitive skin, and even better, it’s easy on the wallet too.

The pattern that I’ve used is a simple cable knit – if you want to make the headband thicker, you can add on extra stitches to the ribbing before and after the cable.

What you need:

  • A skein of Knitcraft Funky Chunky Yarn, or other super chunky yarn
  • 9mm needles (mine were straight, but you could go circular if you prefer)
  • A cable needle

  • A yarn needle for seaming

How you do it:

  • Cast on 12 stitches
  • Row 1: K3, P6, K3
  • Row 2: K12
  • Row 3: K3, P6, K3
  • Row 4: K12
  • Row 5: K3, P6, K3
  • Row 6: K3, Cable 3 Front, K3 (for a more detailed description of how to cable, see Wool and the Gang’s video tutorial)
  • Repeat rows 1-6 until your headband fits comfortably round your head – mine needed 12 repetitions
  • Cast off
  • Use your yarn needle to bind your seams together

And there you have it – super easy, and perfect for the ski slopes, running, or just keeping your ears a bit warmer on the way to work (probably not one for the tube). You can also see below another one in the same pattern that I made for my friend Akansha (please ignore my weird post-running face!) in pinks and greys.

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