The McEwan Beanie – chunky cable-knit bobble hat, knit flat

So, this is a pattern that I’m really excited to share, because it’s the most complicated one that I’ve created yet.

I went for a run after buying this gorgeous red wool (from Fielders in Wimbledon), and as I was going round I started trying to work out the calculations required to cable and successfully decrease a chunky bobble hat. After a lot of trial and error (and looking strange as I kept stopping to write down notes on my phone), I cracked it.

This bobble hat is knit flat – I wasn’t quite feeling brave enough to throw circular needles into the mix, although that’s next on my list. So if you’ve just learned to cable, this is a surprisingly easy way to put your skills into action.

You will need:

  • 10mm knitting needles
  • 10mm cable needle
  • 1 skein of Rico Essentials Super Super Chunky or a similar super chunky yarn for colour A. For any fellow Londoners, I always buy the Rico (it’s one of my favourites) from the lovely Fielders in Wimbledon – it’s a lovely craft shop, and I always seem to find something I didn’t know I was looking for!
  • A second colour of super chunky yarn (I used the Rico yarn in a navy blue) if you want to do a colour B on the rim. You don’t need much of this, so could be an opportunity to use up leftovers!
  • Yarn needle for sewing up seams
  • Sharp scissors for making your pom-pom

How it’s done:

Cast on 42 stitches in colour B (if using two colours – if not, just stick with the same one throughout)

Rim of the hat – 1×1 rib stitch

Row 1: (K1, P1)

Rows 2-14: Switch to colour A, (K1, P1)

Increase stitches for first round of cabling

Row 15: K1, M1, (P4, K1, M1, K2) 5 times, P4, K2

Row 16: P2 (K4; P4) until 6 before end, K4, P2

Row 17: K2 (P4, K4) until 6 before end, P4, K2

Row 18: P2 (K4; P4) until 6 before end, K4, P2

Row 19: K2 (P4, K4) until 6 before end, P4, K2

Row 20: P2 (C2F, P4) until 6 before end, C2F, P2

Two more rounds of cabling

Row 21: K2 (P4, K4) until 6 before end, P4, K2

Row 22: P2 (K4; P4) until 6 before end, K4, P2

Row 23: K2 (P4, K4) until 6 before end, P4, K2

Row 24: P2 (K4; P4) until 6 before end, K4, P2

Row 25: K2 (P4, K4) until 6 before end, P4, K2

Row 26: P2 (C2F, P4) until 6 before end, C2F, P2

Rows 27-32: Repeat rows 21-26

Decrease for crown:

Row 33: K2tog, (P4, K2tog, K2tog) until 4 stitches before end, P4, K2tog – 36 stitches

Row 34: P1, (K2tog, K2tog, P2) until 5 stitches before end, K2tog, K2tog, P1 – 24 stitches

Row 35: K1, (P2, K2tog) until 3 stitches before end, P2, K1 – 19 stitches

Row 36: P1, (K2tog, P1) until 3 stitches before end, K2tog, P1 – 13 stitches

Row 37: (K1, P1) – 13 stitches

Row 38: P1, (Sl1k) – 7 stitches

Cut your thread leaving approximately 40cm tail, and pull it through the remaining stitches.

Then take your yarn needle, and sew the sides together using mattress stitch. See this link for a helpful tutorial.

You’re then ready to make your bobble. See my Rico Bobbles post for bobble instructions.

Fold over the rim of your hat, and you’re done! Ski style, complete!

For more free knitting patterns and craft inspiration, you can find me on Instagram as @craftitlikekatie – tag me in your makes!

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