The Potter Beanie – double bobble baby hat

As you’ll have probably noticed, I’m normally a big fan of the super chunky knitting pattern. When my nephew was born though, my mother-in-law (who is supremely talented at knitting) made him some beautifully delicate hats with DK baby yarn, and I decided I’d have to give it a try.

I love trying out new patterns, and this one only requires you to know three stitches – so it’s perfect for beginners who are looking to give something new a go. I like to name my bobble hat patterns after authors that I love, and since this is a child’s hat, I’ve called it the ‘Potter Beanie’ – this is for Beatrix (of Peter Rabbit fame), not Harry!

Take a look, and let me know what you think!

You will need:

  • 3.25mm and 4mm circular needles, plus some slightly larger ones (4.5mm or 5mm) if you want to create a slight widening at the floppy bit of the hat)
  • DK baby yarn
  • Yarn needle for sewing up
  • Some extra yarn of your choice to make the pom-poms

Things to know:

  • Tension: 26 stitches and 30 rows to 10cm with 4mm needles
  • Abbreviations: K1 = knit one, P1 = purl one, Sl1 kw = slip one knitwise (if this is a new stitch for you, check out this video tutorial)
  • Sizes: Made to fit 0-6 months, with 6-12 and 12-18 months in parentheses

How it’s done:

Cast on 86 (90, 94) stitches with your 3.25mm needles.

Row 1: Knit all stitches

Row 2: Purl all stitches

This pattern is called garter stitch. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until your hat measures 5cm. This will then fold over to form the brim of your hat.

Now, it’s time for the body of the hat. Switch to your 4mm needles.

Row 1: Knit all stitches

Row 2: K1, Sl1 kw to end

Row 3: Knit all stitches

Row 4: Sl1 kw, K1 to end

Repeat rows 1-4 until your work measures 19 (20, 21) cm.

At this point, switch to your largest needles if you want a slight widening for the floppy bit of the hat. If you want it straight, just carry on as you are.

Carry on repeating rows 1-4 until your work measures 22 (23, 24) cm.

Cast off, and then sew up the seams at the top of the hat using a yarn needle.

Make two pom-poms. I did this by winding some DK yarn round two of my fingers 120 times, using the technique shown at the end of this blog post. Sew your two pom-poms onto the two top corners of the hat.

And you’re done! That’s one Potter Beanie ready to gift to a small person of your choice! I’d love to see your pictures, so please get in touch if you give this one a go – you can find me on Instagram as @craftitlikekatie

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